پناهنده و پناهجو

آنچه شما بايد در مورد پناهجويان بدانيد؟ چرا آنها قانونی نيستند؟ 

There are about 69 million men, women and children escaping war, persecution, and political  turbulence. These are refugees and asylum seekers. 

Those who are looking for jobs or an education—they are usually called migrants—and people who  want to live permanently in another country—immigrants.  

There has been confusion and debate over the use of these terms to describe the plight of those on the  move. We take a closer look at the distinct differences between a refugee, asylum seeker, immigrant,  and migrant.  

پناهجو کيست؟  

An asylum seeker is also seeking international protection from dangers in his or her home country, but  while his/her claim for refugee status has not been determined legally. Asylum seekers must apply for  protection in the country of destination—meaning they must arrive at or cross a border in order to apply.  

Then, they must be able to prove to authorities there that they meet the criteria to be covered by refugee  protections. Not every asylum seeker will be recognised as a refugee.  

Tens of thousands of children and families from Middle East and Asia fled extreme danger—murder,  kidnapping, violence against women and in war time. Those arriving at the EU border are being  considered as “illegal immigrants,” but, crossing an international border for asylum is not illegal and an  asylum seeker’s case must be heard, according to international law. They often hold their own life and  sometimes their close families in their hand and get on board of unsafe boats in treacherous waters to  arrive to the promised safe heavens. We often hear the tragic and heart rendering news of them not have  made it to the destinations.  

پناهنده کيست؟  

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her home because of war, violence, or  persecution, often without warning. They are unable to return home unless and until conditions in their  native lands are safe for them again.  

An official entity such as a government or the United Nations Refugee Agency determines whether a  person seeking international protection meets the definition of a refugee, based on well-founded fear.  

Those who obtain refugee status are given protections under international laws and conventions and  lifesaving support from aid agencies, including the International Rescue Committee. 
